


维基解密 2011年1月18日

11. (S) 根据[文字被隐没],温的家人令总理在政治上相当头痛。他的妻子张蓓莉涉足中国珠宝行业很深,曾是顶级珠宝贸易商戴梦得公司的最高层之一。在温担任总理后,她辞去了该公司的职务,但不过只是换了个名字而已,她仍在珠宝界维持着相当的影响力(注:张蓓莉是一位宝石鉴定家。注完)。温的女儿温如春曾在瑞士信贷银行北京分部工作了约一年,其子温云松经营一家投资基金。温的妻子及其子女得到了只要价钱合适就可“搞定事情”的名声。他们本人尽管不用收受贿赂, 却完全可以收取不菲的“顾问费”,或者用次等钻石去卖一个高价。外界都知道有事可找温家宝的家人帮忙。[文字被隐没]说,一次有人告诉他[文字被隐没]从温的儿子那里寻求帮助以解决[文字被隐没]拒绝了。
12. (S) [文字被隐没]说,温对家人的种种行为反感,但要么是无力要么是不愿去制止他们。他尤其讨厌自己的妻子打着自己的旗号行事。[文字被隐没]注意到,与几乎所有的其他政治局常委不同,温拒绝携妻进行出国访问。温情愿离婚,但由于位高权重的地位又不得不作罢。



Publisert: 18.jan. 2011 22:00 Oppdatert: 12.okt. 2011 21:19

E.O. 12958: DECL: MR, X1
SHANGHAI 00000622 001.2 OF 003
CLASSIFIED BY: Simon Schuchat, Deputy Principal Officer, U.S.
Consulate, Shanghai, Department of State.
REASON: 1.4 (b), (c), (d)

1. (S) Summary: According to a well-placed contact, there will
not likely to be any surprises in the line-up of the Politburo
Standing Committee (PBSC). In part, this means that President
Hu Jintao, Premier Wen Jiabao, and National People´s Congress
(NPC) Chairman Wu Bangguo will all be staying and would be
joined by Liaoning Party Secretary Li Keqiang and NPC Vice
Chairman Wang Zhaoguo. Vice Premier Wu Yi will step down from
the Politburo while United Front Work Department head Liu
Yandong, Jiangsu Party Secretary Li Yuanchao, National
Development Reform Commission (NDRC) Chairman Ma Kai, and
Chongqing Party Secretary Wang Yang would all likely be
elevated. The real battle for control over the Politburo is
taking place in the Central Committee with people positioning
themselves and proteges in an effort to be elected at the Party
Congress in October. While preparations for the Congress are
heating up, fissures between Hu and Wen are also deepening, with
Wen increasingly angry over Hu´s meddling in government affairs.
End summary.
Latest on the PBSC Lineup
2. (S) During a September 17 discussion, [TEXT REMOVED BY AFTENPOSTEN] said that
National People´s Congress (NPC) Chairman Wu Bangguo´s
son-in-law told him "there will not be any surprises" on the
PBSC at the Party Congress. Hu, Wen, and Wu Bangguo will all be
staying on. The rest of the current line up, with the possible
exception of Vice President Zeng Qinghong, will be retiring.
Those remaining would be joined by Liaoning Party Secretary Li
Keqiang and NPC Vice Chairman Wang Zhaoguo and, depending on
Zeng, one or two others, leaving seven PBSC members.
3. (S) According to [TEXT REMOVED BY AFTENPOSTEN], Wang will likely replace Jia Qinglin
as Chairman of the Chinese People´s Political Consultative
Conference. While Jia has not yet reached the "mandatory"
retirement age of 68, both he and his family are vulnerable to
charges of corruption. Hu has ordered an ongoing investigation
into the misdeeds of Jia´s family, leading Jia´s son-in-law to
flee China. Hu has already approached Jia with a deal: if Jia
retires quietly, the investigation goes away quietly; a deal Jia
has apparently accepted. Meanwhile, propaganda chief Li
Changchun is going to be relieved from duty for "health reasons"
stemming from a previous bout of liver cancer, although [TEXT REMOVED BY AFTENPOSTEN] said
this is now simply a "political illness."
Politburo Rumors
4. (S) In addition to PBSC changes, [TEXT REMOVED BY AFTENPOSTEN] discussed a number of
changes likely to occur on the Politburo. Vice Premier Wu Yi
will step down due to age. [TEXT REMOVED BY AFTENPOSTEN] stated it will be impossible for
a Politburo or PBSC member to step down from their government
job but maintain their party slot, effectively contradicting
rumors that Wu might be able to retire as Vice Premier but still
remain to direct trade issues from a seat on the Politburo. Liu
Yandong is currently the woman being considered to fill the
"female" slot on the Politburo--although not necessarily Wu´s
substantive portfolio--should the top leadership decide that
such a slot is still needed. The military will be guaranteed at
least two slots on the new Politburo: one for the Defense
Minister; and one for the Chief of Staff. However, the practice
of having a uniformed officer sitting on the PBSC had died years
ago and [TEXT REMOVED BY AFTENPOSTEN] did not believe that it will ever be revived.
5. (S) According to [TEXT REMOVED BY AFTENPOSTEN], Jiangsu Party Secretary Li Yuanchao, a
Hu protege, will likely be promoted to the Politburo, probably
as head of the Organization Department which controls cadre
evaluation and recommendations for promotions. [TEXT REMOVED BY AFTENPOSTEN] noticed an
indirect shift in attitude toward Li beginning several months
ago when rumors of Li´s pending promotion to the Organization
Department began surfacing. For instance, National Development
Reform Commission (NDRC) Vice Chairman Zhang Guobao had
initially been vehemently opposed to the Carlyle Group´s
acquisition of Xugong Machinery Corporation in Jiangsu Province--a deal on which Li has personally staked much of his
political reputation. However, several months ago, Zhang made
an abrupt about face on the issue, saying that of course he
supports the deal; he only wants to help fine tune it. As an
aside, [TEXT REMOVED BY AFTENPOSTEN] said he does not expect any movement on the Xugong
deal before the Party Congress and expects that Carlyle will
still have to "sweeten the deal" a bit to allow the NDRC to save
face after opposing the deal for so long.
6. (S) [TEXT REMOVED BY AFTENPOSTEN] noted that Premier Wen is also hoping to name his
own successor to safeguard his policy and family interests.
NDRC Chairman Ma Kai, a Wen protigi, will likely be elevated to
the Politburo at the Party Congress, taking over the State
Council´s industry portfolio as a vice premier from Zeng Peiyan,
who will be retiring. [TEXT REMOVED BY AFTENPOSTEN] noted that there is a tradition that
the head of the top planning organization be promoted to that
particular vice premier slot. However, [TEXT REMOVED BY AFTENPOSTEN] assessed that Ma is
too old to be promoted to Premier at the 2013 NPC. Wen is
actually grooming Chongqing Party Secretary Wang Yang for the
job and is lobbying to also have Wang promoted to Vice Premier
with a seat on the Politburo. Barring that, Wang will likely be
promoted to State Council Secretary General.
Central Committee Campaigning
7. (S) [TEXT REMOVED BY AFTENPOSTEN] said that there will probably be more candidates
than slots for the Central Committee, the Politburo, and the
PBSC. However, the PBSC will be selected ahead of time so there
is no real democracy involved, despite a show of "elections."
The real focus now is getting proteges placed on the Central
Committee, a chore that is far from being a done deal and one
that will determine which people´s proteges will be promoted to
the Politburo. Hu Jintao is positioning several of his proteges
through recent personnel changes in the provinces and ministries
to be in line to be elected to the Central Committee. Even
still, these candidates and others still need to campaign to try
to gain favor in the eyes of the Party Congress delegates. This
is especially important for people who lack name recognition, a
strong personal network, or people behind the scenes speaking on
their behalf.
8. (S) For instance, [TEXT REMOVED BY AFTENPOSTEN] said that Minister of Commerce Bo
Xilai has been traveling to many different provinces recently,
using his Ministry´s largess to attempt to purchase favor with
local governments. Bo is in a difficult position. Since his
father, party elder Bo Yibo died, there is no one speaking up
for Bo Xilai at internal party meetings. To make matter worse,
Bo Xilai has many enemies who hated his father for helping oust
various reformers such as Hu Yaobang, Zhao Ziyang, and Qiao Shi.
[TEXT REMOVED BY AFTENPOSTEN] joked that Bo Yibo "died about six months too soon" for his
son´s liking. (Note: Bo Yibo died on January 15, 2007. End
note.) Bo Xilai hopes that if he can garner a high enough
percentage of votes at the Party Congress electing him to the
Central Committee, it might boost his chances at getting on the
Wen Chaffing Under Hu
9. (S) [TEXT REMOVED BY AFTENPOSTEN] said that Hu and Wen "don´t really get along at
all." He noted that Hu is frequently meddling in State Council
affairs, which causes Wen all sorts of grief. [TEXT REMOVED BY AFTENPOSTEN] was less
definitive, however, if there is also a rift between the two men
on policy preferences, or if their strife stems mostly from turf
10. (S) The divide between the two men has likely been deepened
by Wen´s conflict with Hu protege Li Yuanchao. At Wen´s behest,
Ma Kai had personally overseen the dismantling of Tieban Steel,
a large privately run steel mill in Jiangsu Province set up with
the encouragement of provincial officials and without State
Council approval. As part of Wen´s effort to rein-in rampant
economic growth in the coastal provinces, Ma made a public
example of the head of Tieban, Dai Guofang, who was arrested and
continues to languish in prison after three years, despite never
having been charged with a crime. Despite the fact that
investigators could not come up with a crime with which to
charge Dai, no one dares to release him from prison for fear
that Premier Wen might ask about his status and get angry at
whoever authorized Dai´s release. The incident has also
generated considerable "bad blood" between Li and Ma, [TEXT REMOVED BY AFTENPOSTEN] said.
SHANGHAI 00000622 003.2 OF 003
Wen Jiabao: Chain of Fools
11. (S) According to [TEXT REMOVED BY AFTENPOSTEN], Wen´s family is a major political
headache for the Premier. His wife, Zhang Beili, is heavily
involved in China´s diamond trade and was one of the top
officials at the diamond trading firm Daimengde. Although she
gave up her title after Wen became Premier, it was a change in
name only and she is still very influential in the industry.
(Note: Zhang is a gemologist by training. End note.) Wen´s
daughter, Wen Ruchun, has been working for Credit Suisse First
Boston in Beijing for about a year and his son, Wen Yunsong,
runs an investment fund. Wen´s wife and children all have a
reputation as people who can "get things done" for the right
price. Although they did not necessarily take bribes, per se,
they are amenable to receiving exorbitant "consulting fees" or
selling inferior diamonds at a significant mark-up. [TEXT REMOVED BY AFTENPOSTEN] said
that at one point it had been suggested to him that [TEXT REMOVED BY AFTENPOSTEN] seek
help from Wen´s son to resolve [TEXT REMOVED BY AFTENPOSTEN] had
12. (S) [TEXT REMOVED BY AFTENPOSTEN] said that Wen is disgusted with his family´s
activities, but is either unable or unwilling to curtail them.
He particularly dislikes his wife for her brazenness in trading
on his name. [TEXT REMOVED BY AFTENPOSTEN] noted that unlike almost every other PBSC
member, Wen refuses to take his wife with him on official trips
abroad. Wen would like to get a divorce but is constrained by
the prominence of his position.
Hu´s Family: Clean but Divided
13. (S) In contrast, Hu´s family is relatively clean, said [TEXT REMOVED BY AFTENPOSTEN].
Hu´s son, Hu Haifeng, works for Nuctech, a state owned company.
While Haifeng is compensated handsomely for his work, the
company´s profits go towards filling state coffers rather than
the pockets of Hu´s family, leaving Haifeng above reproach. The
one main area of familial dischord, however, is the marriage of
Hu´s daughter, Hu Haiqing. Haiqing is married to Daniel Mao
(Daolin), a wealthy internet entrepreneur and founder and former
CEO of sina.com. Daniel is almost 10 years older than Haiqing
and looks every bit the part of a paunchy, middle-aged, balding
man. Neither Hu Jintao nor his wife approved of the marriage
and were even less pleased with the large amount of publicity
that the couple´s nuptials garnered. [TEXT REMOVED BY AFTENPOSTEN] said that Daniel is
currently unemployed after having been let go from sina.com.
Sleeping With the Enemy
14. (S) On a more salacious note, [TEXT REMOVED BY AFTENPOSTEN] said that former Finance
Minister Jin Renqing´s mistress--the reason that he had been
fired from his job--had been introduced to Jin by former SINOPEC
Chairman Chen Tonghai, who had also been sleeping with her. The
promiscuous socialite had also been having affairs with several
other high-level officials, including Sichuan Party Secretary
and former Agricultural Minister Du Qinglin. The woman had been
introduced to these men as "someone working with a Chinese
military intelligence department." However, investigators now
believe she is a Taiwan intelligence operative. [TEXT REMOVED BY AFTENPOSTEN] said that
Wu Bangguo´s son-in-law had been introduced to this woman at a
social function and described her as anything but
pulchritudinous. [TEXT REMOVED BY AFTENPOSTEN] noted that Chen Tonghai is close to both
party elder Jiang Zemin and Zeng Qinghong.


泛华网注:来源: http://www.aftenposten.no/spesial/wikileaksdokumenter/article3994357.ece

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